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Number 2: Grade 1 Tenor Saxophone Exam

So, these posts, as you will gather, are completely random and will either be as they happen or when I get the time to update the blog!

This morning I undertook my second challenge, my grade 1 saxophone exam. I have owned, and purported to play, said saxophone for over 30 years however have never really mastered making any kind of decent sound from it! It should have been a big clue when my mother asked me to make a wool pom pom to go down the bell to help muffle the sound! I have played the flute somewhat more successfully for many, many years and enjoy my position in a local amateur orchestra. Our conductor and his wife are also heavily involved in the local youth orchestra and wind bands and to help raise money, organised a Grade One sponsored challenge. Originally I elected to take this on the violin as we happened to have one lying around the house, but quickly realised that a string instrument was really not my thing! I was still keen to help so decided to dust off the saxophone and start my campaign again.

It was somewhat nerve-wracking taking a music exam again after 33 years however the examiner was way nicer than any I remember from back in the day and I soon got into my stride.

The result: A DISTINCTION!! 93 out of 100. There's life in the old dog yet! I may even go onto take my Grade 2. Well I do have 50 things to achieve :)

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